1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now?
Yes. When I was young, I used to play sports like football or used to go cycling along with friends every evening, and I also used to attend weekly yoga classes. Now, managing the entire household and your 1 year old brother that is obviously not possible. But I go for walk once every 2 days at the
2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?
Nutritional Habits – I think this is my strongest aspect as I eat very healthily. I refrain eating outside, basically I don’t eat outside at all, maybe once a month! This means I rely on my cooking food, and I use as little oil, butter, ghee or other fatty food in the food in order to feed myself and my family healthily. I also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and maintain the strict routine of 3 meals a day at about the same time everyday, however I eat in between as well.
Fitness Habits – As I said earlier, considering my duties, I think what I do is satisfactory doing for walks once in 2 days and meditating everyday for 30 mins.
Coping with Stress – I am really bad in this as I am very short tempered! *laughs* But ignoring that fact, I try to stay calm and think things through before acting, even though that rarely happens! :P
Dealing with Conflicts – I believe that stress and conflicts go side by side. So if I’m bad at one, I surely can’t be good in the other one! But I indeed try to relax and calm down, as I know my hotheadedness could lead to something terribly wrong, and this works at times.
Keeping a Positive Attitude – Regardless of whatever happens, I firmly believe there is more good in this world than bad. Therefore I keep a positive attitude and maintain it my keeping my spiritual side relaxed which I often do with the help of yoga or listening to simple orchestral music or classic symphonies.
Any Additional Healthy Habits – “Early to sleep, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise!”
3. How did you develop these habits?
With time. I learnt all this as I went along with life and it guided me as to how to live a healthy life as one is not in the same position and responsibilities throughout their life.
4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
To be there by my family’s side forever ,I know I need to be a healthy person. To keep them happy I know I need to be a healthy person and so I try to be one.
5. What advice would you give me for being healthy as a teenager?
Keeping in mind that you are in Grade 10 and soon would go into IB, it would be very lofty to say that you should exercise for 2 hours everyday, as that would conflict with your studies, which are your main concern right now. However, I think for these 2 ½ years, you should at least exercise 30 minutes a day, which could comprise of anything, aerobics, your dance classes, your occasional playing of football or badminton, jogging, brisk walking, playing with your brother, or anything else. This would not only keep you a healthy person, taking care of your physical aspect but would also help you perform better as a student as you will have greater peace of mind. 1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now?