Sunday, February 27, 2011

Food Glorious Food

It is a Lebanese food - bread filled with tender chicken, garlic, onions, paprika served with a ground chickpea and olive oil paste.

It is a primarily North Indian Dish which is a combination of spicy chickpeas and thin, crispy fried bread.

Another Indian dish - it is chicken marinated in yogurt and tandoori masala (a mixture of various spices) and then grilled.

A major South Indian dish. The dosa is made from a rice batter and once transformed onto its crispy texture, a stuffing of cooked/ boiled potatoes is put inside, then served with sambar, a preparation of spicy lentils and 3 chutneys.


This is my favorite dark chocolate, chocolat noir avec citron et poivre, as it contains the zing from lemon zest and juice and a mild burst of spice from the pepper!

A simple preparation of rice served with a simple yet tasty preparation of kidney beans


I like every single Indian sweet that possibly exists (there are millions!!!), aand they are soooo awesome!

My favorite cake!!!!! YUMM YUMM YUMM!!!!!

The best of all!!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stress-Self Esteem-Coping-Depression-Suicide

In the 21st century, children, or better stated as teenagers are very vulnerable to suicidal thoughts due to the "going through too much with very little experience." However, many such teenagers have committed SUICIDE. Most teenagers go through too much STRESS in these years, relating to various issues such as peer pressure, appearance, school work load, time management, relationship issues and much more than accounted for, too much these young adults can COPE with; and slowly these issues result ultimately in low SELF-ESTEEM issues which over time lead to DEPRESSION.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stressors: The Inventors of Traffic Jams Of Life

There are numerous things/ people/ situations that stress me out - results in a unfocused, frustrated me.


  • Bad Grades or an overall bad GPA
  • Unstable friendships
  • Fights with really close friends
  • Fights between my parents
  • Studying for massive massive tests
  • When I realize that I have done something wrong
  • Parents getting mad at me
  • In general when I am not able to live up to certain expectation bars
  • Deadlines for massive 20-page lab reports
  • Comparing myself to the "image" the world respects
  • Thinking about what my future would/ could be
  • Deciding on what field to major in
  • Decide on where to go for university, and thus plan the last 2 years of schooling accordingly
  • Listen to good music
  • Watch TV/ movie
  • Talk on the phone to my closest friends
  • Play with my brother
  • Go to bed
  • Moderate Work outs
  • Go walking with my family to a nice place (KLCC park)
  • Read a novel
  • Just forget about everything and chill

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stress, Depression and Suicide: IN THE NEWS

Loneliness is "hidden killer of elderly

By: Sean Coughlan, a BBC news education and family correspondent
BBC News Website
1 February 2011

A recent study has found out that loneliness amongst the elderly is a catalyst for depression, bad diets and lack of exercise. This causes various cardio-vascular problems for these elderly people and the lack of social interaction, "a tenth of elderly people see their friends or families less than once a month" is directly linked with the prominence of Alzheimer's disease. A group of charities have lauched a campaign - Campaign to End Loneliness, which is advocating for loneliness to be recognized as a public health problem that not only mentally makes one a weaker person but physically weakens our immune systems along with the other life-threatening diseases listed above, overall killing the elderly earlier.

Like many other ageing problems, isolation needs to addressed to the mass public as we all perceive loneliness as something without any substantial affect on us, a mere state of mind which would pass away, but through his research we can clearly see that is not the case. We need to recognize the serious ills that are caused  - depression, heart attack, Alzheimer's, and realize how life-threatening they are, basically killing us earlier. Everybody needs to make a conscious choice, I believe, in deciding their lifestyle - is leaving your mom/dad, grandpa/grandma, in home, or better stated as mere 4 walls, worth their health? Worth their life?

I feel really strongly about this article as my grandparents live away from me, and this research makes me realize that while I am in Malaysia, hoping to go to college and all my future plans, back "home" my grandparents are suffocating to death - not seeing their families for months. This article makes me realize what affect loneliness is having on their health other than the "sadness." It makes me wonder, is this the right thing to do?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stress: The Portrait Of A Killer

Science has developed a kaleidoscope of different fields of research which in some way or the other have shaped who human beings are today. The study of the effects of stress by neurologists is one that could be a society changing research. Stress is something that we all suffer from. Exams, graduation, peer pressure, constant nagging from our parents to excel, giving performances, public speaking, yelling and shouting bosses in companies, the overall stress of leading a good life, form a core part of being human. Since childhood through school, or sports or mere leisure we basically learn that “Life is a race, If you don’t run fast enough, Others will crush you,” which then becomes the motto of our life – to be the best, leading to a life-long traffic jam in which everyone is trying their level best to beat the others. Whether distress or eustress, one must agree that the world without stress would be utopia, a lofty goal, unachievable.
The two main reasons that were mentioned in this video was the hierarchical and occupational connection to stress. And the research was conducted on mammals, much like us in habits, who are definitely easier to study than a bunch of humans – BABOONS! While this may not yet be applicable to us students, the results of stress were just dumbfounding – people who have a high position with a lot of control tend to have less stress than lower ranked people who seemingly have no control in their hands. This results in low esteem and many other psychological effects but physically other than cardiovascular diseases, high BP and heart rate; it also adds fat in our abdomen, which the most harmful type of fat possible and IT KILLS OUR HIPPOCAMPUS, DECREASING OUR WONDERFUL POWER TO REMEMBER THINGS!! The results of these arduous 30 year research warn us that stress isn’t a part of our life that will extinguish as we move along, leaving us unscathed. The biggest evidence of this was provided by the “children of the Dutch Hunger.” In 1944, when the cruel, malicious strategy was made to starve the country to death, the foetuses inside the mother’s womb had already been exposed to stress as the mother starved and starved, managed an entire day on a bowl of gruel. The kids born during the Hunger or soon after it were known as the Dutch Hunger kids. Having kept all these babies in meticulous records, scientists have tracked that these children, now grown-ups, are more susceptible to cardiovascular attacks, have a high BP and Heart rate as their nervous systems had been altered when they were mere foetuses! And while the Hippocampus incident was an astounding shock, it might be a heart attack for some people to realise that STRESS FRAZZLES OUR CHAROMOSOMES AWAY!! Stress takes away the things that we are coded with – killing us! But there is a beacon of light shining – less stress, happiness, peace can also heal these chromosomes and repair them.
So what is the antidote to saving our lives? Finding a place where YOU have control, where YOU don’t feel overpowered by YOUR surroundings, somewhere where YOU are just YOU, enjoying the beauty of life!