Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stressors: The Inventors of Traffic Jams Of Life

There are numerous things/ people/ situations that stress me out - results in a unfocused, frustrated me.


  • Bad Grades or an overall bad GPA
  • Unstable friendships
  • Fights with really close friends
  • Fights between my parents
  • Studying for massive massive tests
  • When I realize that I have done something wrong
  • Parents getting mad at me
  • In general when I am not able to live up to certain expectation bars
  • Deadlines for massive 20-page lab reports
  • Comparing myself to the "image" the world respects
  • Thinking about what my future would/ could be
  • Deciding on what field to major in
  • Decide on where to go for university, and thus plan the last 2 years of schooling accordingly
  • Listen to good music
  • Watch TV/ movie
  • Talk on the phone to my closest friends
  • Play with my brother
  • Go to bed
  • Moderate Work outs
  • Go walking with my family to a nice place (KLCC park)
  • Read a novel
  • Just forget about everything and chill

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