Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Food And Exercise Analysis - DAY 2

The daily plan is the same from the previous post.
Carbohydrates: As the previous day, I am again very high on carbohydrates, 230% of what I should be eating, and on this day I didn't even have very many whole grain carbs. Therefore, I think I should try to reduce this a little bit.
Proteins: Again about 1/44 of my diet consists of proteins, but this needs to be increased by a little bit as the mypyramid site suggests I have 5.5 ounces of meat, or other protein related food.
Fats: On this day also, I don't have much fat in my diet, which is mainly because I eat homecooked food. Thus I did well here!
Vitamins and Minerals: I did an okay job with these nutrients as well, most of them being close to 100% or above a 100%, but there are about 5 nutrients that are significantly low and I need to work on those.

On this day, I maintained by strengths from the last day - Vitamin C, Iron and Phosphorus was close to a 100% as well. Additionally, I did well in Vitamin A consuming 138% of the RDA. Vitamin A has numerous benefits - it strengthens the immune system, relieves eye disorders and benefits cell membranes and many other benefits.
My intake of Selenium was good as well - 216%, and this is advantageous as new research have claimed that selenium is one of the potent fighters of cancer as well as lowers risks of HIV/AIDS, heart diseases and prevents miscarriages.
I also had a good intake of Manganese with 297% of the RDA; it is a key mineral to preventing osteoporosis, improving memory power, works along with iron to increase haemoglobin and reduces fatigue levels. It also improves the absorption of Vitamin B and E in the body.

But I have several aspects to work on as well. As the previous day, I have a very high intake of sodium, which must be reduced or else could lead to, in the long run, to high BP, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and gastric cancer as well - all leading towards an earlier death.
I should also like the previous time focus on calcium, Vitamin D and E due to the reasons stated in the previous post.
But this time around, I notice that I must work on my Potassium intake as it is key to a good Bp, preventing strokes, muscular strength and increased metabolism. In the long run, deficiency in this mineral could lead to muscle weakness, heart problems and most importantly an illness known as hypokalemic paralysis in which the entire body goes stiff.
And I should also pay attention to Vitamin B12 (only 62% of RDA) as deficiency in this could lead to damaged nerve cells, memory loss, dementia - a painful life basically.

As earlier, I must work on eating some more meats or protein based foods, as I lack the requirements in that section stated by the mypyramid site. On this day though, along with my "informal" exercise, I got a lot of "formal" exercise as well like swimming and playing badminton, which meets the requirements of the mypyramid site.

Once again, like the previous time, the problems remain the same - I had to choose bits and pieces of foods here and there as fitday is an American site, the way they think the foods were prepared probably isn't correct which leads to incorrect calorie count and nutrition count. And for the vItamin D (I was low in tis on both days), the site obviously doesn't take into account the exposure to sun - the biggest source of Vitamin D.

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